Blood lipids:

You should usually fast for 10-12 hours before your blood is drawn. This means eating and drinking water only before the test, so that the absorption of fats in the blood is complete and its percentage is stable.

Fasting blood sugar:

This test measures the amount of glucose in the blood of the fasting person. You should not eat or drink anything except water for a period of 6-8 hours in order to complete the burning of sugar. This test is usually done in the morning.

Random blood glucose:

This test also measures the amount of glucose in your blood and can be done at any time of the day, whether or not you have eaten recently.

2 hours post prandial sugar test:

It is required to calculate the two hours from the beginning of eating in order to start the secretion of insulin with the beginning of eating, and it is required to finish eating within 10 minutes at the most. You can only drink water during the two hours.

Glucose tolerance test (sugar curve):

On the day of the analysis, the patient must come to the laboratory in the morning, fasting for 6-8 hours, stop smoking during the analysis, and take a dose of glucose (1.75 grams per 1 kg of weight, with a maximum of 75 grams).ا

Glycated hemoglobin (HBA1C):

It does not measure glucose directly, but it does reflect the average levels of glucose in the blood over the past three months by measuring the amount of hemoglobin that attaches glucose, so you should not fast for this test.

Free prostate-specific antigen:

The patient refrains 10 days before the analysis from inserting an endoscope, catheter, or rectal examination of the prostate because this will affect the result of the analysis unless there is another opinion of the doctor.